Monday, April 30, 2007

Cow Girl!

What a great week!
Ethan is talking in complete sentences and every day is crying less and talking more and asking for what he wants instead of crying for what he wants. I love it and it is so much easier to help him now. My baby is definitely not a baby anymore!

Julia is a total cow girl and has been feeding our smallest calf all by herself every day. She loves it and so does the cow. It is so cute. She helps grandma make the milk, get it in the bottles, carry the bottles out to the paddock, and feeds. The cows are starting to learn to graze and eat grain too. Julia also loves the chickens. She will often be in the chicken coop just hanging out with the hens.

JC is doing awesome. Sally gave him a insect/animal habitat for his birthday and he went out and spent the entire day at the watering hole/pond on our property getting inhabitants for his habitat. He had a bad sunburn that night, but loved exploring. He found several very small tadpoles and a leech! We killed the leech promptly, and placed the tadpoles in the habitat. They died a few days later. He was really bummed about that and tried to get some more today without luck. He has loved having something so cool to do!

The house is finally moving a long! We have a foundation and the base flooring is going in now. It is almost done too. The framing should start late this week or next! We all can't wait to see it going up. I will include some more pictures next week!


Sally said...

Hehe, I'm glad that James is enjoying his gift. Hopefully he can get some tadpoles to survive and grow in it.

I know what you mean about your baby not being a baby anymore. It is so hard for me right now. My baby will be two in a month. Each day he changes, I mean literally I see changes every day. It happens so fast. I never understood what people meant by that. But it truly does just zoom by!