Ethan lost his two front teeth! He was super happy to have them finally out!
Julia and Ethan at a local art park!
Ethan chose an everbearing strawberry and petunias. We will be protecting the berries from the birds this year because last year they ate all the berries just before we could pick them! Ethan was very disappointed.
Julia and Ethan have both had the honor of being chosen a Kiwanis Terrific Kid. That was a big achievement for both of them!
We went to Springfield to celebrate Easter this year. The children all had fun finding Easter Eggs all over the farm. Ethan had the most eggs as far as we could tell!
Julia has started softball this year and absolutely loves it. She is #20 and her team is called the Farmington Edge. She has great coaches and good girls on her team. This is the first time she was up to bat in her scrimmage.
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