Friday, July 8, 2011

The last year in review-Summer 2010

Our story begins at a beautiful campground on the shores of a Great Lake at Camp Radical in Ohio July 2010. We had a great time learning how to be better parents and to help Julia and Ethan learn how to respect and honor their parents and other authority figures as well as to help them feel safe, loved and secure with a positive self image and confidence. We drove from Ohio to St Louis to visit Chris' father.

While we visited for the evening there was a very sick and pitiful kitten crying outside his home. Because we could not just let it suffer in the heat of the south, we rescued it and stuck it in a box with every intention to take it to the local humane shelter. Of course with my luck there weren't any humane shelters open on Saturday's and it was past closing time on Friday when we were there. So we ended up driving home for 8 hours with an obnoxiously sick kitten in a box in the car. By this time we had fallen in love with her and Julia was completely taken with her. We called her Lucky because she was dang lucky we didn't kill her on the drive home. We kept her in our home for a few weeks until she was healthy and nourished. Thankfully Chris' mom, Candy, had a friend that had been looking for a cat for a while and felt that Lucky was a good fit. We were all ready for her to go, she was very active and used to being outside. Julia of course was very sad to lose her, however Lucky got into all of Julia's things so she was happy to have the kitten stay out of her room. Julia gets to go visit Lucky every once in awhile in her new home. Lucky is very spoiled and gets to live in a barn and chase all the mice she wants.

We were very occupied with the kitten for the rest of the summer and then getting ready for school to start.
Ethan was so excited to start Kindergarten, he had watched Julia love Kindergarten the year before which just made him want to go to school that much more. He counted down the days! We took their pictures at the school sign at the Back to School night.

At last the first day of school came! They were both excited and nervous about that day. They both barely even looked back as they got out of the car and ran to their respective classrooms. I couldn't believe that after 12 years of being a stay at home mom there weren't any children at home. It was surreal.

Ethan's Kindergarten teacher is Emma Orr and Julia's First grade teacher is Meredith Curtis. They were great fits for the kids personality and discipline wise. We were so glad that they got such great teachers.