JC's never ceases to amaze us with what he creates and the level of detail.
Opa, Kathryn's dad taught JC how to make star ornaments. This is JC's first one. Opa has been making the ornaments since he was a young child.
JC painted the scene. He used to hate paint because the thought he wasn't very good with it.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Arts and Crafts
Posted by Jamey at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Julia starts Kindergarten
Julia is standing at the sign to her school! She was so excited and scared to start Kindergarten.
She absolutely loves it though. Her teacher is Miss Clevenger and is wonderful too!
She has made lots and lots of friends and already thinks she might want a boyfriend! ;) You will have to ask her what his name is though, I won't spill the beans on that one!
This picture is taken just before we were walking out the door in the morning to go to school, I think it says it all... nervous and excited!
Here she is sitting at her desk at the open house a few days before school actually started, she thought the room was so cool to have books, toys, a reading area and letters and numbers on the walls.
Ethan can't wait to start next year! He misses Julia while she is at school, but he is doing great and will be starting to attend a pre-school twice a week. They are getting so big and grown up!
Posted by Beth Erbe at 11:25 PM 2 comments
New Home!!
We are so very excited to be able to be in our new home, so I am finally posting some pictures for you to see.
Here is the front of our house!
Julia's room
Ethan's room
The back yard
We live in a very small subdivision at the end of a cul-de-sac with about 11 houses total, it is a very quiet neighborhood and very open and well kept. We all are very happy here!
Posted by Beth Erbe at 10:42 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Etch-A-Sketch Art and Crazy Vegetables
Any one who has seen some of J.C.'s drawings knows he is quite the artist. The medium doesn't seem to matter, he is talented even with only an Etch-A-Sketch.
J.C. is also known for being a very picky eater. We have been working with him to expand his horizons beyond anything covered in ketchup. It turns out he likes a lot of different foods. However, the purple cauliflower and the artichokes were a little outside the normal food range. He did, however, willingly try both of them. They both got an o.k., not great.
He took the mashed purple cauliflower, prepared somewhat like mashed potatoes, and paired it with the green artichoke leaf. Even food can be art.
J.C. eating his colorful display. You can see from his plate he had already eaten some artichoke and he actually ate a lot of the cauliflower too. The best part is the only red in the picture is on his shirt and not smothered all over his food.
Posted by Jamey at 11:57 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Julia and Ethan dancing!!
We went out tonight for frozen custard at the best frozen custard shop in the world, Andy's! They just put one in in Fayetteville. Julia and Ethan loved the music and danced a jig! Chris caught it on his phone so we thought we would share it with you!!! Enjoy, we sure did!!!
Posted by Beth Erbe at 8:52 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Colorado Camp - the horse named 007
When we arrived at camp we asked J.C. if he wanted to ride the horses. He very adamantly stated "I am not getting on a horse!" He also stated "I'd rather die than get on a horse." We really wanted him to give it a try, but didn't want to spend the money if he wasn't going to be cooperative. We talked to the Terena, the horse handler and asked her how she gets kids to overcome their fears, she explained that they introduced the children to the horse then worked on ground work (grooming) then moved to actual riding. So we took J.C. to meet the horses. We particularly liked the horse named 007. J.C. got to know 007 a little including how to brush the horse, say hello by blowing in the nostrils, fed him cookies - 007 loves cookies, and how to clean out his hoof.
We brought J.C. back a few days later to work with 007 and J.C. actually got on the horse. He then was taught how to do an emergency dismount and then proceeded to ride 007 while in various positions. The crowning moment came when he stood atop 007. The other families were gathered for another event and when J.C. was done many of them told him how cool that was. We were very proud of J.C. for not only getting on a horse, but standing on one. Since then J.C. has been able to ride a few different horses and is getting pretty good.
J.C. saying "Hello" to 007.
J.C. practicing the emergency dismount - just like in the old Westerns.
J.C. rides in different positions to feel how 007 moves.
Let me repeat- "I AM NOT GETTING ON A HORSE!" ;)
J.C. hugging 007.
Posted by Jamey at 10:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Colorado Camp
J.C. went to a family camp in Colorado with Dad and Kathryn at the end of April.
J.C. was the winner of the Hula Hoop contest. Check out his technique.
Upside down you're turning me....harness is secure.
The ascent to the top.
Repelling down.
Incoming...the triple catch.
Some of the evening activities included a newspaper fashion show and creating a family crest.
J.C. in his rocket man outfit.
J.C. mixing colors for an art palette, always the artist.
Posted by Jamey at 10:30 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
This is a video of Julia from last summer when she was at Dad and Kathryn's house. She attended a 1/2 day bug class at Thanksgiving Point. She mentioned the video a few weeks ago and we promised to post it. Do you think she had fun?
The video uploads to this awful thumbnail and I can't seem to fix it.
Posted by Jamey at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Road Trip to Church Sites and Julia's dance recital
Julia and Halley during the recital.
Princess Julia Ballerina, posing before the recital. She loved her sparkly costume and having the spotlight. She was disappointed that there wasn't more of a routine, but was excited to dance.
Julia and Ethan in front of the Liberty Jail monument in Liberty, MO. They really enjoyed learning about Joseph Smith and some church history. We went to Adam-ondi-ahman, Liberty and Independence, MO. Ethan was really touched that the men were put in jail and had to suffer so much, Julia loved the Garden of Eden and just danced around the entire time we were there. We also went to Far West, there was a stray cat that had learned how to get hand-outs and the kids loved playing with her while we were there. We all wanted to take her home, but couldn't figure out to keep the cat in the car until we went home.
Julia and Ethan are loving the spring weather and especially the giant puddle there is to play in after it rains. It has rained a lot this past week and a half, so they are having a great time! :)
Posted by Beth Erbe at 3:38 PM 0 comments
More Easter pics
It finally dried up enough for Julia and Ethan to go on an egg hunt outside. They had a great time, and once they found the ones the "Easter Bunny" hid then they hid them for each other and found them over and over again!
Posted by Beth Erbe at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Happy Spring!!!
Julia and Ethan are doing great!! They have absolutely loved being able to go outside and enjoy the nice warm weather!!! It has been in the 70's off and on for over a month!! They both swing as high as they can on the swingset and love to explore the yard and find beautiful flowers popping up everywhere!
We just hung up the hummingbird feeders today! They are eagerly anticipating seeing the birds zip around. They are hungrily waiting for the strawberry patch that they planted to hurry up and grow! We have lots of flowers! They also planted a pea patch. They love to help in the garden. Julia has taken an interest in doing jobs. She has enjoyed earning extra money.
Julia and Ethan went up to Springfield to see Grandma and Grandpa and the farm right before Easter. They loved seeing the chickens and helping with the pigs. They got to play with their cousin Julie and that was a blast! Especially for Ethan.
Julia and Ethan loved having the Easter bunny come to visit!
They had fun with all the Easter packages they got. Thanks Dad, Kathryn, J.C., Sitto and Grandma, Grandpa and Grandma Candy!
We all went on a road trip to Kansas City. Julia and Ethan did so well with all the driving. It was about 4 1/2 hrs to KC. We were able to swim at the motel, we went and saw some historic sites for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a lot of fun to see those places. Our church's first leader Joseph Smith was unjustly imprisoned for 4 months at one point and we went and saw a replica of that jail and Ethan was really touched by that. He talked about how scary that it must have been for the men and how hard it was. Julia loved going to the place that our church believes used to be the Garden of Eden. She said it was so beautiful, it was!
The next picture is at Far West, MO. Our church has 4 cornerstones laid for a future temple Julia and Ethan had fun running around the area. There was a stray cat that was super friendly and wanted us to take her home and/or feed her. Julia and Ethan loved chasing her around and petting her. She was super cute and it was hard to leave her there.
We were all glad to get back home safely and slept soundly that night!!
Julia can't wait for Kindergarten! We got her enrolled last week. Ethan doesn't want Julia to go to school at all. I think he realizes that he will be very lonely without her to play with. They are best friends!
Posted by Beth Erbe at 4:47 PM 0 comments